Hiking During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Key Tips
Due to recommendations to stay inside to decrease the risk of COVID-19 contact, many are no doubt craving the chance to be out into the fresh air and sunshine. Being outside in nature is beneficial for mental and physical health. There are ways that individuals may embark on hiking excursions while staying safe.
Find an area where not many people are frequenting upon your arrival. If there are a lot of cars parked at the entrance of a hiking path, venture to another location. If perplexed as to where to go, search the All Trails website. The site features directions to more than 100,000 trails across the country. Find a spot, plan a route and create a personalized map.
Before the Hike
Take care of bathroom needs before leaving home. Hikers risk being infected by using public restrooms in parks or businesses along the way. Avoid touching common fences, gates, signposts or other objects while hiking. If taking a furry pet, keep the dog on a leash, as researchers have learned that animals are also susceptible to catching the infection.
Keep Your Distance
If you happen to cross paths with other hikers during the walk, keep a minimum distance of six feet between you and them. Offer a polite smile and hello if desired. But, resist the urge to strike up a conversation or make close contact.
Importance of Handwashing
Perhaps consider taking a hand disinfectant with you just in case. But, wash your hands when returning home. Researchers advise washing hands for a minimum of 20 seconds to adequately cleanse all areas of the hands thoroughly. Rinse and dry well.
Hike Locally
There are many COVID-19 maps available that illustrate the number of cases diagnosed in communities across the nation. High-risk areas should be avoided. But, research also reveals that someone might be infected for three days and pass that infection onto others before personally experiencing symptoms. If lucky enough to live in an area with low risk, enjoy the outdoors. But, remember to adhere to all safety precautions to stay on the safe side.
Bring the Outdoors Indoors
There are many videos of scenic locations in the United States and around the world that might prove entertaining. There are live cams displaying life everywhere from beneath the sea to the top of mountains in addition to wildlife viewing opportunities.
To read more of Dr. Allen Cherer’s hiking insights, click here.