Crucial Tips for Hiking with a Dog
Hiking is perhaps the most popular activity that dog owners and their canine companions engage in on a regular basis. Not only is it a fun way to bond with your dog, but it also promotes good health through physical exercise. Here are five crucial tips to follow to remain safe when hiking with a dog:
Google the Terrain
When hiking, check out the location online. View the map and figure out which trails to take. Hiking trails are usually graded based on their level of difficulty. Easier ones are best for people who have older dogs while a more difficult trail suits a more experienced dog owner/dog tandem. You should also check out the reviews left by previous visitors as it contains a lot of useful information on things to watch out for while hiking at that location.
Bring Toys or Treats
You never know when you’ll need to lure your dog back to you. A squeaky ball or a high-value treat may be the only thing that can get your dog back to you if he/she decides to run away to chase after something. This is especially helpful for dog owners whose dogs have bad recall.
Check the Weather
If you’re hiking atop a mountain, avoid days when rain or strong winds are forecasted. The terrain shifts during violent weather patterns and it’s dangerous for you and your dog to be in the middle of it. If you do decide to hike on a rainy day, make sure the terrain is flat and stable.
Wear Comfortable Clothing
Wear an attire suited for the harsh outdoors. Something loose and comfortable is a good fashion choice for when you’re hiking with a dog or even just hiking in general. You want to be able to move fluidly without any restrictions in movement.
Bring Water
Some parks or hiking trails won’t have access to potable water. If you intend to hike a long distance, say a five-mile hike, you should bring enough water for you and your dog lest risk dehydration. Your dog should get adequate breaks for water when doing long-distance hikes.
Hiking with a dog makes the experience even more special. Use the five tips above to keep the activity fun and safe at the same time.
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