Common Pregnancy Questions and Their Answers

Pregnancy is an exciting and terrifying time, especially for first-time parents. Questions come up often, starting in the first few weeks of pregnancy.
Signs of Pregnancy
The signs and symptoms of pregnancy vary from pregnancy to pregnancy and woman to woman. Although some women may notice changes as early as the first week, others may need to wait until a missing period. Some typical early pregnancy symptoms include lack of period or spotted bleeding, sensitive and painful breasts, nausea, vomiting, frequency of urination, and fatigue. Taking a pregnancy test or contacting your healthcare practitioner are the two best ways to determine if you are pregnant.
Duration of Pregnancy
The gestation period for a human is 40 weeks or 38 weeks from conception. Count 280 days, or 40 weeks, or from the first day of your last period. This is the most accurate approach to determining your due date. Keep in mind that due dates are educated guesses, not certainties. Some babies arrive prematurely, and some post-due date. At your first prenatal care appointment, your doctor will have a clearer sense of your due date. Online due date calculators are free and easily accessible.
Foods to Avoid
Generally speaking, it’s okay to eat most meals while pregnant. To safeguard your baby’s health, there are several things you should either use cautiously or avoid, such as products created from raw milk, soft cheeses, unpasteurized cream, and milk from goats or sheep. Be cautious if eating cold-cured meats like prosciutto, chorizo, salami, and pepperoni. Avoid undercooked or raw meat, liver products, paté, raw or partially cooked eggs, sushi, smoked fish, and shellfish. Limit caffeine intake to less than 200mg. Avoiding alcohol is one of the most important rules to remember.
Exercise During Pregnancy
Moderate exercise during pregnancy has been repeatedly shown to be safe and beneficial. Combining cardiovascular and strength training and yoga is the best combination. Additionally, pregnant women who exercise are less likely to experience complications such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and preeclampsia. Various cardio, mobility, and strength exercises can be continued throughout a pregnancy’s duration and will assist in preparing your body for birth. The key here is to listen to your body. You might find your body is more tired in the third trimester, bringing many physical challenges, including pelvic pain, back pain, and more. This tiredness is normal, and finding a routine that works for you is essential. At any point, if you feel pain or discomfort, stop exercising and contact your doctor for medical advice.
Originally published at on February 23, 2023.